I ♥ Polyvore

Monday, April 9, 2012


Yes, I have been SERIOUSLY neglecting my blog. However, I am battling a cold and imagine these gnarly little buggers are what my body is trying to fight off. It made for a difficult birthday/Easter weekend where I can't nuzzle/smooch/cuddle my baby girl.....I am one sad Mommy. Luckily Chris has been home to give her extra love for me and so long as she doesn't get my sickies....it is worth it! I am one of those people who doesn't get sick often, but when I do....watch out, I get really sick. So, here's to getting better and getting back to loving on that sweet baby of mine soon!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

This year Jason and I have been sicker than we've ever been with nasty little colds that keep coming back! Not sure what the deal is?!? Luckily, so far, Kai hasn't gotten to sick, and when she does get the sniffles, she's doesn't seem to change much :-) Hope you're getting better!!!